Halloween this year was a lot of fun, mainly because we had two members of our extended family to enjoy it with! Titia and Uncle Brian came to visit, and a great time was had by all!

Uncle Brian and Titia took it upon themselves to entertain the heck out of Miles while they were here. After going trick or treating around our neighborhood, Daddy took them all to DinoNites at the zoo while Mommy and Mayse stayed home to cuddle.

Miles and Mayse posing with the neighbors down the street, Lauren and Nichole.
Lauren is Raggedy Anne, and Nichole is Cruella Deville. Nichole even took their dog along, spraying painting (hair color spray) spots on their dog!

Awww, what a great looking group.

Titia brought Miles a toy dragon, seen here in the picture because she knew how excited he was about his dragon costume. Since then, the dragon toy has gone missing... has anyone seen this dragon, or do I need to take an ad out on a milk carton?

Mommy and Miles raked the leaves into a big pile to jump in; always a fantastic activity in Miles eyes. Then, Mayse and Mom watched as Miles and Daddy did the dirty work and carved the pumpkins, which the squirrels promptly ate.
Happy Halloween!!!
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