November and December are my two favorite cold months, if I have to claim any cold months as my favorite. It is purely because of the sentiments of Thanks Giving, Christmas, and all the warm fuzzies one gets from such great family time. :)

Miles and I put up lights around the porch, of which now half are burnt out and it took so long they are staying there. Ugh.

Miles new favorite game is playing 'reindeer.' He gets Jeff or me to play the role of Santa and sit in the sleigh (office chair), puts a long ribbon around his middle and hands us the reins. Then, after the appropriate hat on each participant, Miles pulls Santa around the house. Thankfully, we have hardwood floors that stand up to the many rounds of this that we have to do to effectively wear Miles out.

The first decent snow of the season brought the most perfect snow ball snow I've ever seen. So, of course, we headed out to build the perfect snowman. Mayse slept thru most of it, but got her STRONG big brother to hold her in front of the snowman for a picture.
Here's to the sense of warmth families bring to this season of cold!
Happy Holidays!!