Daddy and Miles wanted to take me mini-golfing for Mother's Day, and since it was cold that day I took a rain check and cashed it in this week. We had a lot of fun, though Miles was more into rolling/throwing the ball into the hole than hitting it with his putter. Daddy did a good job trying to teach him how to golf, but ultimately, we ended up just doing a lot of goofing off which was ok too!

Because SO many of you have been asking, I made sure to keep Jeff armed with the camera while we were enjoying some family time this past week so that I could post some 'belly pics'. I really enjoy going back now and looking at how big I was with Miles, so I am glad we have these for Mayse too. P.S. I was about twice as big (and much more... um... meaty?) with Miles at this point. Perhaps we are going to have a petite little girl to follow our brute like boy.

We went out to dinner for Mother's Day, it was so much fun. Look how handsome my little man looks, picked his outfit out just for me. Jeff did too- and I must say I was with the two best looking, most wonderful males in all of Chicago!

And my birthday falls pretty close to Mother's Day every year too (turned 29- for the first time). Not only did Daddy and Miles make me 'birthday brownies' while I got to relax, but then I got a treat so rare I thought Jeff must have been been trying for brownie points (no pun intended)- he had Miles bring me the bowl to lick. Of course I shared with Miles, like he would have let me get away with anything else! The next weekend, I really got to celebrate with more birthday love (and brownies from Jeffs mom too) when some of our family came down to help with the attic renovation. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!

This was a picture from Easter weekend, that was just sent to us. This in Andrew Pfaller, one of Jeff's cousins, taking Miles on a 4-wheeler ride. Miles LOVED it, though in most of the pictures he looks scared to death. Thanks Andrew!

Your belly is so sweet! I love it! Miles makes me smile and I haven't even met him! He is just soooo cute (handsome too)! I can't wait to see who your little girl looks like! Congrats again!!!
ReplyDeletecute pics. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO UPDATE?!