These past two or three weeks have been filled with fun!
First was Easter weekend that we spent in Grand Rapids with family. Grandma Gay set up a really fun egg hunt for Miles, and even one for us big kids too. Miles also got to go to brunch with the extended family, and then went over to Jeff's Aunt and Uncles house where he colored eggs with Sue and Lauren and went on a paddle boat ride with Daddy after learning how to fish with Tony and Scott. Spoiled kid. :)

First was Easter weekend that we spent in Grand Rapids with family. Grandma Gay set up a really fun egg hunt for Miles, and even one for us big kids too. Miles also got to go to brunch with the extended family, and then went over to Jeff's Aunt and Uncles house where he colored eggs with Sue and Lauren and went on a paddle boat ride with Daddy after learning how to fish with Tony and Scott. Spoiled kid. :)

Mommy was able to snag some extra tickets to a Bulls game during the past week, so we decided to take Miles to his first real live sporting event. My boss has season tickets, and sometimes gives them out- fantastic seats twelve rows back behind the Bulls bench. Miles had a great time watching the half-dressed bouncing cheerleaders- to his Mom's dismay- but was pretty much done with the whole thing by half time. We left early, but really had a great family night!

This sunny warm weather is beginning to bring back memories of what Summer is like. So, after a long day of working in the yard and house respectively, Mom, Dad and Miles made chicken kabobs on the grill and then made s'mores for dessert. Miles LOVED them, while Mom and Dad were just thankful for the fabulous day.

We take a lot of pics, afraid that we may miss one of his more hilarious antics if we don't have the camera near by... so here's a recent one of us just having fun. A family pic to close us out.